“ Fortune favours the Prepared Mind”

Vaastu Fortune – Brings Health , Wealth & Happiness.

Vaastu Tips

Vaastu Tips

  1.  Do not construct kitchen, toilets and prayer room (puja-room) next to one another.
  2. Keep all electrical/heat generating appliances in the SE corner of the room.
  3.  The kitchen should not be directly in front of the main door.
  4. Do not keep broken mirrors, and watches and electrical gadgets which are either lying idle or out of order in the house.
  5. Mirrors, sinks, wash-basins and taps should preferably be along the NE wall.
  6. The safe should open towards the north or the east. So, keep it in such a way.
  7.  The toilet seat should preferably be along the North-South axis. The septic tank can be in the NW.
  8. Avoid having garbage dump, street-light pole, or boulders in front of the main gate or door.
  9. Your main door should not be in line to the other door of the house.Like 3 doors in linear form.
  10. The number of doors and windows should be more on the ground floor and less on the upper floor.
  11.  The image of Gajalaxmi at the main door is considered auspicious.
  12.  The north-east corner is the face house and should always be kept clean.
    III. While cleaning the floor with any disinfectant, a little sea salt should be added.
  13. Students should study facing the north or east.
  14. Do not sit or sleep under a beam.
  15. Do not keep or hang paintings depicting war, crime, violence, unrest, agony or distress.
  16.  Construct the front door in such a manner as to avoid the fall of a shadow on it.
  17. Grow a tulsi or basil plant in front of the house.Preferably in the East or North East directions
  18.  Do not have any cactus in the house. Having it outside the boundary is good.
  19. Rain water or drainage should flow towards NE-East-North.
  20. Material to be used in the construction of a house or even commercial building should always be new, except when renovating.
  21.  The height of the building should be reduced from the SW to the NE.
  22.  Walls along the SW should be thicker as compared to walls along the NE.
  23. Bhumi-pujan ceremony should be performed before commencing the construction of a new house and Griha-pravesh ceremony before shifting into it.
  24. Do not have a toilet or prayer room (puja room) under a staircase.
  25. Do not dig well in the middle of a house or plot. It is very inauspicious.
  26.  Never accept money between two fingers, as this is considered as cutting of further inflow of wealth. Accept the money with five fingers.
  27. Check the sound of your door bell. If it sounds irritating, family members will be short tempered. If it has a dull sound, energy level of the house will be low. The doorbell should be pleasing and soothing.
  28. Any exposed floor marble or tile broken in your house could be the cause of a broken relationship among family members. Put a carpet to cover the broken marble/tile or replace it for immediate results.
  29. A tree or an electric/telephone pole facing your main door or windows could cause the poor health of family members. Place a convex mirror on the outer wall facing that tree for protection from bad soul.
  30. Have the name number plate of your house on main entrance to enable the opportunities to trace you easily. It is a good idea to give a Name to the residence also. Lighting the nameplate increases the effect manifold.
  31. Never sit with your back facing main door. This can cause back-biting, deceit, betrayal in life. Unwanted guest may be given such seat.
  32. To retain the money in the house, put a 3 leg frog facing north of the house for better saving of opportunity.
  33. Having a toilet/fire place in North-East corner of the house can ruin it financially besides mental tension quarrel amongst people.
  34. Keep your mirrors clean, dust and dirt reduces the effectiveness of mirrors. Try to keep the paint work fresh, and replace any blown bulbs as quickly as possible. Keep your windows clean and replace any cracked or broken glass.
  35. Moving Water attracts positive energy and money. Consider placing a small ornamental fountain or aquarium in your North or East direction for wonderful results.
  36. In the office, the temple should not be placed at the back of the owner’s seat. The central point of a office or factory should be empty.
  37. In office, Never sit with owner back facing main door. Unwanted guests/visitors should be given such a seat. It results in lack of strength and sense of fear and insecurity.
  38. There should not be three or more doorways in a straight line. Having improper position of the entrance/obstruction in front of the gate can reduce the prosperity to a great extent.
  39. Doors should be made leaving South/Southwest/West direction.
  40. Rooms like drawing room in North/East direction.
  41. The directions North, North-East, East, Brahma sthan should be kept light, clean and open. South, South-West, West should be kept heavy.
  42. More even numbers of Balcony, Verandahs and Windows should be in North / Northeast / East direction.
  43. Pillars should be in even numbers and should not come on the sensitive points of Brahma sthan.
  44.  Main gate should be bigger than the other internal doors. Main entrance gate is allowed on any directions, except South West direction.
  45. It is very important to leave Brahma sthan open.
  46. To balance the harmonious soul and to avoid tension and illness in the house, do not keep rubber plants, bonsai, cactus or milk producing plants in the house.
  47. Never sit or sleep under a projected beam to avoid depression, headache and loss of memory.
  48. Never keep non-working, un-repaired device or damaged watch, telephone, radio, mixer, spoiled ball pens, cassettes etc. in the house.
  49. Keeping a picture of High Altitude Mountains without water in South-West will enhance stability and help to overcome insecurity.
  50. Check if any marble or tile is broken in your office. This could result into broken relationship with partner or customers. Either put carpet to cover the broken marble/tiles or preferably replace it.
  51. To improve the Sales, Stick three coins tied with red ribbon on sales file or invoice book or order book.
  52. Conference room or a boardroom should be in the East or West direction. Take new decisions in East direction and they will rise to great heights liking a rising Sun.
  53. Kitchen should never be used for performing Pooja or keep any deity.
  54. Remove medicines from kitchen and shift it to living room, preferably at Pooja place.
  55. Never put a mirror in front of the bed or attached with the bed. Cover it while sleeping to avoid bad dreams and ensuring a healthy sleep.
  56.  Wooden beds without box (for storage) are the best for sleeping. Avoid metal beds (wrought Iron) etc. as it may lead to health problems related to heart and brain.
  57. A wall poster having mountains/snow-clad peaks of mountains (without water). on South-West wall of the bedroom can add immense strength and stability in the life.
  58. To improve the studies, Put Crystal Globe and Education Tower on the North-East corner of the study table or room for excellent performance.
  59. Toilet in West of South-West direction is best. It can be made in North of North-West or West of North-West direction also.
  60.  Overhead Water Tank should be in South/South-West/South direction.
  61. Septic Tank in West of South West/North-West is best direction.
  62. Basement should be made under North/Northeast/East direction.
  63. If a factory or a house has a wrongly faced boring direction, a Panchmukhi Hanumanji picture can be placed facing the borings south-west.
  64. The place of seat arrangement for managers, executives, and directors must be located in south, west, and southwestern direction of the office premises.
  65. As per the vastu principles it is really good to set the accounts department in southeast direction. .
  66. The appropriate place to set the reception is in the North East direction of the office.
  67. With respect to vastu principles, it is good to seat the employees facing the north or eastern direction.
  68. The central portion of the office must be set empty. 
  69. As per the vastu principles, it is good to place rectangular desk for the MD.
  70. Placing bore-well or fixing tank in the direction of south is not really recommended. This will affect the owner with less and insufficient cash flow.
  71. The best and right direction to keep the storeroom is on the northwest and southeast location.
  72. It is recommended to set the marketing department in the direction of northwest.
  73. Fixing a Picture of water fall with flowing water on the North direction wall will increase more cash flow.
  74. Setting a water fountain in the location of northeast of the office premises is really good and recommended.
  75. The right place to set your kitchen is in the south-east corner. If you never find an apt position, then you can avail the alternative of locating it in the north-west corner.
  76. Building kitchen in north-east, mid-west, mid-north, mid-south, south-west or in the centre is strictly not recommended, as they are out of vastu norms.
  77.  Ensure that the cooking area never touches the sidewall of northern or eastern side
  78. Place the idols of the God and Goddess in the right direction.
  79. Toilet doors must always be kept closed.
  80. Strictly avoid using the proscribed raw material while constructing the puja room
  81. The right direction to set your master bedroom is on south-west,HOD should sleep here.
  82. Ensure to place your head positioning towards the direction of south corner. Placing head towards north is not recommended, as it will badly disturb your sleep.
  83. Keep your bedroom away from setting diving idols.
  84. It is best to construct plots where lands are fertile with plants and greeneries.
  85. It should be ensured that no cemetery, tomb, or graveyard lie close to the plot either front or back.
  86.  Construct your house in such way it admits bright light into the main doorway
  87. It is really advisable to have 3,5,7 rooms on the ground floor.
  88. Setting television in the bedroom area is not recommended if so please cover it while sleeping.
  89.  Keep the plants and water sport far from your bedroom
  90. Never split bed sheet and bed mattresses
  91.  Set your house furniture in the form of circle, square, or as octagon
  92.  Keep the corners bright
  93. It is good to fix an image of bright sun in the southern wall of the living area.
  94. Construct your bedroom, where wind must blow from south to west.
  95. Your house dinning hall must never get exposed to the entrance door of the house
  96. It is good to set your windows opened towards out face.
  97. It is good to place the fish aquarium in the North east or North corner in your living area.
  98. Place a Pakkua outside your main door to bring happiness in house.
  99.  It is good to stick a happy family photograph or picture inside your living room.
  100.  For clearing the interview keep the job certificates in NNW.
  101.  For getting new job opportunity keep the certificates in North of house
  102.  To get recognition in Job keep the certificate in South
  103. To enhance you skills keep the certificates in SW direction.

“ Fortune favours the Prepared Mind”

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